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NESA WIZARD-A hero or Villian

Students of the Faculty of Business especially  those in Economics Department of Abia State University must be conversant with unknown entity called the NESA Wizard.
The Unknown wizard seems to know all happening in the department and faculty,it is synonymous to German wizard-wikileaks a.k.a Julian Asange.

What does the wizard do? 
The wizard leaks hidden  information to the students via Phone and Social Media ,it sometimes exposes what may not be known and even deep reveal things that people may never know. Although sometimes the wizard spreads fake information based on gesture.The wizard tries to address some issues especially on the side of students leaders (Departmental Leaders) and sometimes lectures. It tries to checkmate the abuse of Students in the Department.

who is NESA Wizard?
The most Intriguing thing here is that NO one KNOWS THE OWNER OR ORIGINATOR OF NESA Wizard.No one knows  the fingers behind the information it is disperses which are mostly  True,
They may operating from west bank of New York city or from one of the lodges in Absu.

View of People..
To some People Nesa Wizard is just a Hero who reveals hidden information about the department ,correct the abuse from lecturers,checkmate ailing leaders of the Faculty and department.
And to some other People ita is a villian which must be eliminated.
 And now i throw it Open to You..who is NESA WIZARD??


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