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Great Health and living Tips

Stay dry and clean
Shower daily
Rinse out all the soap

For Food storage
Store and prepare raw meat, poultry, and seafood away from other foods.
Prevent raw food juices from dripping onto other foods.

Peeing etiquette
Don't hold it in
Stay hydrated
Relax when you pee
Wipe from front to back

Fighting bad breath

Drink plenty of water.
Brush and floss regularly.
Treat any existing oral diseases.
Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables.
Cut out coffee.
Chew sugarless gum.
Eat yogurt
Get your vitamins. a, but can also help prevent two other causes of bad breath—gum disease and gingivitis.
Avoid tobacco products.

Makeup hygiene

Eyebrow pencil hygiene is a must. Always ensure that you clean your eyebrow pencil with a wet tissue before usage in order to get rid of bacterial residue.

Wash your makeup brush and powder puffs on a weekly basis with a mild baby shampoo for best and safe usage. Dry the washed makeup product by using a clean towel.

Never use your fingers to apply makeup, unless and until a profesional artist does that for you. But, if you must use your fingers, then make sure they're clean and that you use just the ring finger as it has the lightest stroke.

Brushing hygiene

Brush your teeth twice a day for at least 3-5 minutes. Make sure you do not put too much pressure as this can hurt your gums.

Bathe daily

A daily shower is a must whether you feel grungy or not. A regular bath (every morning and after all athletic activities) helps in keeping you clean, fresh and odor free.

Cleaning your body is also important to ensure your skin rejuvenates itself, as the scrubbing of your arms, legs, and torso will slough off dead, dry skin and help your skin stay healthy and refreshed, and will prevent acne, blemishes and other skin eruptions. Bathe daily

A daily shower is a must whether you feel grungy or not. A regular bath (every morning and after all athletic activities) helps in keeping you clean, fresh and odor free.

Cleaning your body is also important to ensure your skin rejuvenates itself, as the scrubbing of your arms, legs, and torso will slough off dead, dry skin and help your skin stay healthy and refreshed, and will prevent acne, blemishes and other skin eruptions.

Trim your nails

Keeping your finger and toenails trimmed and in good shape will prevent problems such as hang nails (when a loose strip of dead skin hangs from the edge of a fingernail) and infected nail beds.

Take care of your hair

Washing your hair at least every other day is important to keeping your hair and scalp healthy and in good shape.

If you suffer from lice or dandruff, then take necessary action at the earliest. Also, it is critical that you get a hair cut frequently for healthy hair.

Wear Clean Clothes

Wear a fresh set of clothes as often as possible.
Dirty clothes are a source of contamination and can cause very serious skin disorders if worn over and over without washing them.

Hair Removal
Shave your underarms and legs if you desire, but do so with care. Use a new blade if you are going to shave with a manual razor to lessen your risk of cutting yourself. Also use shaving cream, or a shaving gel.

Body Odor
Keep your underarms and groin area clean and dry to discourage bacteria.
Change out of sweaty clothes as soon as possible after exercising or perspiring.
Trim or shave your underarm and pubic hair so there is less surface area allowing for the accumulation of sweat and bacteria.

Get plenty of rest — 8 to 10 hours a night — so that you are refreshed and are ready to take on the day every morning.

Foot Care
Wash your feet properly while having a bath, specially between the fingers
Wear the right socks
Make sure your shoes aren't too tight.

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