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Introducing! Vila Media

Down the years ,the grace of God has been on the life of the brothers behind the scene of  www.absuvila.com. Despite not being connected to any Computer based course , the brothers having trained themselves and developed skills is Today Unveiling their Graphics Media Company VILA MEDIA.
Vila Media Started last year Under the name D3 MEDIA ,owing to  their unexpired frame of Operation ,they stood behind the scene and developed more and today the owners of Vila Media has worked for Different Companies and website Including the prestigious ahioma.com  The latest E commerce website for shopping Unending in which they still work for.
Vila media is specialized on

  • Premium Flyers & Stickers Design.

  • Bill Board Prints

  • Magazines and News letters

  • Album/Cd covers

  • Car Branding
We are bent on the policy of quick delivery with premium quality ,Our Charges are less.
Lets look at some of our few works

We hope to receive your Patronage. kindly like us on facebook ,click here
For more info call 07068052390 07038842895.

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